I feel like an adult now. For anyone who knows me well, that's a pretty big deal. The video game playing, sarcastic, baby faced, never take anything serious guy finally feels like an adult. I've been paying taxes for over a decade, I've owned a home for almost half a decade, and I have two kids. But none of those things gave me this feeling that I had grown up - that I was in the same league as the other adults at work or at church. I think I have come to realize that what has made me feel like an adult isn't that I have grown up. I still love video games and hate paying taxes. Rather, I think the world has grown up to me. |
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*The views and ideas on this site are in no way affiliated with any organization, business, or individuals we are a part of or work with. They're also not theological certainties. They're simply thinking out loud, on issues and difficulties as I process things.