How will you be remembered after you die? Like most, I'm sure you won't be remembered by many people - and the few who do remember you probably won't dwell on your life for very long. Everyone eventually forgets you, or those who do remember you eventually die themselves. Unless you've made it into the history books, you have - at best - about 100 years of legacy. But, there are a few of us whose legacies will outlive our immediate descendants and carry our life stories for decades or centuries to come. Such is the case of the biblical characters Thomas and Martha.
1. Losing Control: A look at how God calls humanity to relinquish control, and a little about how God has done that in my family's life
2. Overbearing Doctrine: I consider how emphasizing Christianity primarily as doctrine can sabotage the church by creating stagnation, deemphasizing relationship, and quelling the "unqualified" vessels whom God may desire to use and or grow. 3. Overbearing Methodology: I consider how our love for systems and certainty drive us away from a trust in God's means, and stymies a Spirit lead movement in the church. 4. Overbearing Morality: I consider how our focus on moral qualification is often shaped more by our culture than by the Bible, and how we often lack the grace towards others to meet them where they're at rather than expect perfection before we accept - the opposite of what God does for us.This overbearing morality severely harms the church. 5. The Spontaneous Expansion of the Church in Romania: I take what I've gleaned from Allen and my own experience and delve into some of the big specific questions we face as we pursue ministry in Romania. |
*The views and ideas on this site are in no way affiliated with any organization, business, or individuals we are a part of or work with. They're also not theological certainties. They're simply thinking out loud, on issues and difficulties as I process things.