As many know from reading Catalina's post a few weeks ago, we had a miscarriage back in October. While Catalina shared this awhile back - and did a much better job than I could ever do - I wanted to share something as well. For each of our other pregnancies, I wrote sonnets dedicated to our child. For Elin I used an "ABC" theme and for Atticus I used a "123" theme. Each sonnet compilation was focused on conveying some truths about the world and God. Elin's sonnets were focused on morality and character while Atticus's sonnets were focused on ontology or the nature of how things are. I had finished Baby K's sonnets about a week before we found out about the miscarriage. At first, I thought about how stupid I was for jumping the gun and writing all of these before knowing with more certainty about the pregnancy. But when I thought about it more, I was very happy that I had completed these, as my commitment to the value of life - regardless of how long that life is lived - makes the sonnets very meaningful to me. It will be one of the few reminders we will have of Baby K. |
Baby K's sonnets are focused largely on epistemology, or what we know and how we know it. It is focused mainly on our systems of knowledge and worldviews. They are centered around colors, and were inspired by my old Sunday School song "Jesus Loves the Little Children." I began by exploring epistemologies or beliefs that are generalized around the world. Each sonnet begins with a claim from what I believe to be a faulty ideology. I then proceed in the second quatrain to explain what I feel is wrong with that truth claim, then I propose in the third quatrain that to which we should actually hold. Finally, I summarize the crux of it all in the couplet.
I hope you enjoy the sonnets and can engage with the ideology and my personal assessment, whether you agree with it or not. Hopefully you find the ideas thought provoking. I pray that all of my kids will wrestle through these ideas and I want them to be able to look back at what their parents believed and hoped for them.
You can also get these through Kindle. I make them free every 90 days or so, as often as Amazon allows.

my_first_sonnets_final.pdf |