We are currently in Brussels, Belgium for the next 4.5 weeks in a dorm-style living center with 11 other missionary units for Cross Cultural Ministry Internship (CCMI), where we're learning (among other things) how to assess, engage, and assimilate into another culture, how to learn a language, and how to plant a church. We've spent our first three days of class learning about culture and "ethnography." Assuming that many others are just as ignorant of this word as I was, I'll quickly explain. |
Today we looked at four ways that culture is measured, and each country is given a rating from 0 - 100 which I'll put in parenthesis next to each country below. I'd like to go through what we learned as it applies to Romania versus the United States and the way we are anticipating that these differences may affect us. Hopefully this will also give our friends and family back home ideas of how to pray for us specifically as we assimilate.