"The above picture represents an idea (or location) for a new project. Does it look like a great community center, or just a run down post-communist building that was once called 'The Institute'? Called that because it was the location where genetic modification and research of exotic plants was done during communism.
It is just a minute from our house by foot and next to a developing part of the town.
For several years we have had our ears open to community needs and several ideas have surfaced. We are in the process of communicating with church leadership and members about their participation. We believe that the reconciling work of the gospel message must infiltrate the community at many levels and in many ways.
Please pray for unity and clarity as we pursue what we believe could serve the kingdom and build the local church."
We noticed that our church has an age gap in the congregants, namely the lack of teenagers and very young adults. We have begun a bimonthly get-together with some of the older youth in the community and plan on continuing this. So far we've had three meetings, and each time the group has grown! Eventually we would love to take the relationships we're making in these hang-out times and extend our influence through after-school programs, Bible studies and discipleship, etc. Pray that God would grow the relationships here and that he would help our valuing of these youth to be infused with the sweet smell of the gospel to a group that tends to seek value in social acceptance and academic merit. |

- Catalina and our pastor's wife have begun teaching English through Bible Puppet stories at our kids' school. They are using Bible stories from The Jesus Storybook Bible (in both English and Romanian) for their basic curriculum. Please pray that those stories would be well received and that God's wisdom and love would shine through his Word. We are so thankful for your support, as last month we raised enough money to provide each of the students in the class with their own storybook Bible! Please pray that God uses the time spent in the Bible to make the Word of God come alive and remain deep inside the children's hearts.
