Until the day when promised land we gain
Encouraged by countrymen who attest
Fix eyes on author, perfecter of faith
Throw off burden’s and sin’s entanglement
While we await day of inheritance
Be troubled not when your God disciplines
For sorrow leads men unto righteousness
And proves to men that they are truly sons
We now come not to a fearful mountain
A place to be shaken by that which’s not
For shadow of the unshakeable son
Protects sons from God’s wrath, consuming hot
Be bitter not nor short on God’s good grace
Walk in faith, hope, and love which cannot shake
Strong hope produces faith. Faith assures us of the realization of our hope, and it convicts us of what is yet to come, though we may not know it or see it yet.
Faith is often made to be a work in modern Christian circles. The whole of chapter 11 describes men of faith, but it does so by listing their works. I didn’t think it fitting to recite all those examples, as I wanted to capture the heart of each chapter, not necessarily every detail. Although this passage indicates that men were approved by God because of their faith, here it defines faith for us. It is the realization of a promise we have based on God’s existence and reward. Faith is always something God begins. Without God’s promise to Abraham along with his provision, Abraham would have had no hope and no faith. God must first reach out and provide a promise for us before we can have anything in which to have faith.
Just as Moses and the rest of those in the Hall of Faith threw off evil and embraced the good, so you must journey with your countrymen to your promised home.
Our promised home, however, is a long way off. We need to look back on those who have gone before and be strengthened in the knowledge that God’s grace will sustain. However, as we look forward to our home, we must fix our eyes on Christ and away from our sin and burdens. Focusing on anything other than Christ will set one wayward. Focusing on fixing our sin makes us legalistic and we throw off grace. Focusing on grace will make us forget the man who suffered for us and we will live licentiously and without concern.
As we imperfectly attempt to follow Christ on our way home, we will be disciplined by God. This is not something to fear, but rather in which to rejoice. God only disciplines his sons, and discipline is our assurance we are sons. It directs us appropriately.
Unlike Israel in the desert who came up against a fearful God who was unapproachable, we come to that same God, but in the shadow of peace provided by God’s son. While God’s wrath consumes all, it does not consume those protected by his son.
Encouraged by countrymen who attest
Fix eyes on author, perfecter of faith
Throw off burden’s and sin’s entanglement
While we await day of inheritance
Be troubled not when your God disciplines
For sorrow leads men unto righteousness
And proves to men that they are truly sons
We now come not to a fearful mountain
A place to be shaken by that which’s not
For shadow of the unshakeable son
Protects sons from God’s wrath, consuming hot
Be bitter not nor short on God’s good grace
Walk in faith, hope, and love which cannot shake
Strong hope produces faith. Faith assures us of the realization of our hope, and it convicts us of what is yet to come, though we may not know it or see it yet.
Faith is often made to be a work in modern Christian circles. The whole of chapter 11 describes men of faith, but it does so by listing their works. I didn’t think it fitting to recite all those examples, as I wanted to capture the heart of each chapter, not necessarily every detail. Although this passage indicates that men were approved by God because of their faith, here it defines faith for us. It is the realization of a promise we have based on God’s existence and reward. Faith is always something God begins. Without God’s promise to Abraham along with his provision, Abraham would have had no hope and no faith. God must first reach out and provide a promise for us before we can have anything in which to have faith.
Just as Moses and the rest of those in the Hall of Faith threw off evil and embraced the good, so you must journey with your countrymen to your promised home.
Our promised home, however, is a long way off. We need to look back on those who have gone before and be strengthened in the knowledge that God’s grace will sustain. However, as we look forward to our home, we must fix our eyes on Christ and away from our sin and burdens. Focusing on anything other than Christ will set one wayward. Focusing on fixing our sin makes us legalistic and we throw off grace. Focusing on grace will make us forget the man who suffered for us and we will live licentiously and without concern.
As we imperfectly attempt to follow Christ on our way home, we will be disciplined by God. This is not something to fear, but rather in which to rejoice. God only disciplines his sons, and discipline is our assurance we are sons. It directs us appropriately.
Unlike Israel in the desert who came up against a fearful God who was unapproachable, we come to that same God, but in the shadow of peace provided by God’s son. While God’s wrath consumes all, it does not consume those protected by his son.